Already a run on ammo?

come an git yore 12 scent around quennt-too, palmettomoon palmettomoon !
The poster above references 54.5¢ per round! I don't remember it ever being that high. IF it gets there I'm RICH!!!!
chucklenut said:
some piece of **** trying to sell 1100 rds of .22lr for $600
for shame!!
Maybe it's that CCI 22LR +P Tracer rounds in a Just choot 'em box.
Maybe he had to pay that during the 22LR drought several years back.
Maybe his dog's mother needs a root canal & claws trimmed.
Maybe you can talk him down to 600 rds for tree-fiddy.
Maybe it's that CCI 22LR +P Tracer rounds in a Just choot 'em box.
Maybe he had to pay that during the 22LR drought several years back.
Maybe his dog's mother needs a root canal & claws trimmed.
Maybe you can talk him down to 600 rds for tree-fiddy.

I've got 1100 rounds of 22LR I'll part with for $500. Will throw in a roll of toilet paper for free.
This is part of an email from Buds Guns today. Their website shows NONE in stock.

2) We still have thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo.
Although it was never our plan to sell them all in a matter of weeks! We are one of the only remaining online retailers that actually has our own +100,000 square foot warehouse full of guns and ammo. Don't believe it...? Just check out this funny Hickok45 video on Youtube posted back in 2016 that actually shows the inside of our warehouse. You will see Hickok45 walk into our warehouse around the 2:30 mark of this video. Many of our competitors have no inventory and rely solely on their suppliers to inventory and ship their orders for them... so you will see their inventories being depleted much more rapidly as well as prices skyrocketing as their suppliers are raising their prices daily, if not hourly. We also use suppliers to supplement our own inventory so we are subject to some price increases ourselves, but not to the extent as those who rely solely on their suppliers.

3) Our only shortage is people and hours in a day... not guns and ammo. We admittedly were unprepared for how a pandemic would affect our business... just like millions of other businesses were. Our major issue is simply not having enough people, and not enough hours in a day, to process and ship all of the orders our website is capable of accepting. The website runs wide open, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, our staff only runs wide open about 12-16 hours per day before they start complaining about things like needing to eat, sleep, or seeing their kids... who are all at home from school now. We were actually dealing with the exact same issue (on a much different scale) way back in 2013. Check out this Youtube video at the 8:10 mark and you will hear a very similar story.
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