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Ammo Flippers SUCK!!! - Please stop buying from high volume price gougers...

all of this is a result of laws which force production and distribution into hiding and causes an unskilled criminal workforce with sub standard equipment.

My point was the "free market" which exists in the drug market works well. Producers are able to sell their product for a price which maximizes profit yet keeps product moving at a rate production is able to keep up with. No huge warehouses stockpiling cocaine waiting for product to move., and no huge shortages caused by producers not able to keep up with demand. Supply is controlling demand. As demand increases, the price will as well until greater supply can be created.

Its late late and my brain doesn't work well anymore when I'm bright and fresh much less at 2am. I feel like I am talking in circles and to be honest I am not making sense to myself anymore so I think I will bow out of this one. :thumb:

Weed is a good example. Comparing prices from 1982 to now for your standard organic weed from California or the Carolinas the price has only doubled (ymmv) and the quality and purity has improved. And it is very rare for it to be hard to get.

Now compare that to the most regulated and controlled product on the planet; oil.
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Well, MY wealth is not infinite. Nor, I suspect, is that of most people on here (yourself excluded I take it). I personally look forward to hearing that the new going rate for a brick of cool 22's is one or two hot 45's. Call it a "market correction". How much more "free market" could anything be?
You live n the United States of America and as far as I know have no known disabilities. The only limit to your wealth is your own contentment.
all of this is a result of laws which force production and distribution into hiding and causes an unskilled criminal workforce with sub standard equipment.

No, regulations exist because all of that existed without laws. I would agree that perhaps we've gone too far, but wishing for the 'good ole days' of no regulation is crazy, IMO.
The only time it ever really bothered me was when I saw the jerk from "On the Square" at Walmart buying all of the 22lr and 9mm they had. The guy in line in front of me said that another employee was at Academy doing the same. The anus from "On the Square" actually laughed about it and made some snide remark about capitalism and that we knew where we could go to get ammo when we needed it. I saw him in the gym a few days later and asked about it and he said they go to Several Walmarts and Academy every day to buy up all the stock to sell at gun shows and in their store. I told him he was a nozzle.
No, regulations exist because all of that existed without laws. I would agree that perhaps we've gone too far, but wishing for the 'good ole days' of no regulation is crazy, IMO.

Awww man...you can't reason with the "son's of anarchy" mentality. Hell, it's a huge imposition on freedom to even have laws against murder and rape and assault. Damn nazi's infringing on peoples liberties. **** your buddy is just good clean capitalism...don't you know nuthin'?

Awww man...you can't reason with the "son's of anarchy" mentality. Hell, it's a huge imposition on freedom to even have laws against murder and rape and assault. Damn nazi's infringing on peoples liberties. **** your buddy is just good clean capitalism...don't you know nuthin'? ;)
Prohibition has never and will never work for anything and does nothing but create a criminal market and make that which is prohibited more prosperous and desired. The end result has always and will always be the opposite of the intent. Perhaps you should go back to counting the tampons in your bug out bag as this conversation appears to be above your comprehension. :thumb:
Yup...prohibiting crime is a waste of effort. Anarchy is the answer. Comprehension sure is a *****.
Prohibiting actions is one thing, prohibiting "things" does nothing but create criminals. Anarchy is not the answer. Liberty and the rule of law is the answer.
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