And here we go again (School shooting)

Well said:clap2:

For a man that doesn't post often, he does a good job when he post.

Some folks think school shootings are a new thing. They really are not. School shootings are recorded back to the 1800's. The difference was, it was one kid taking their dads gun and shooting one person they were angry with. Some folks think it is the introduction of the AR15 that is the problem. While it may be the weapon of choice for some shooters, it is far from the only gun used in mass shootings. If one goes back through all recorded school shootings, many different types of guns are used, the most common and one of the most deadly being the pistol. So if it is not the AR-15 that is the problem, what could be the problem? Some folks think bullying is the problem. The problem with that is bullying has always been around. Yet kids have not always gone to school and shot ten or twenty people because they were bullied. The only thing left is the person doing the shooting. They are somehow different from the kids of the past. They somehow, for some reason, are more angry and have less respect for other human lives. What causes that, I'm not sure. Maybe video games play a part. Maybe the drugs we are feeding them play a part. They seem to. Or, maybe it has more to do with the changes in our society and the way kids are raised. We, as a society have done everything we can to remove God from schools, public buildings, Social events, businesses, and government itself. We have destroyed the concept of marriage and it's importance. We reduced the idea of morality to a ridiculous old-fashioned idea. The truth is whatever a person perceives it to be. There is no such thing as right and wrong or good and bad. There is only what you "feel" is ok. Maybe these creatures are nothing more than a byproduct of the decay of our society and value system. Maybe this is only the beginning of what is to come. Whatever it may be I'm pretty sure, no matter how hard we try, there is no one thing we can point to and say, "this is what caused it". I'm also pretty sure, we as a collective society are in a downhill slide and these monsters are nothing more than evidence of it.
Video games, and that rock and roll too!

Violence/gun violence has been blamed on electronic games going back to the days of space invaders, Pitfall, and Combat (one blob shoots at another blob). The numbers have never added up, and in fact, the effect in those early days in particular was the inverse. The spread of at-home arcade-type game consoles was actually seen to reduce violent crime in the relevant demographics for a probably too-simple reason: if you're at home playing video games, you're not out on the corner slinging lead.

Look at the raw numbers of how many people actually play network-connected violent video games. It's actually the very same argument gun owners traditionally make against gun-grabbers who say that more guns cause more crime: billions of dollars worth of video games over multiple decades purchased by hundreds of millions of buyers. If the games caused violence, you'd know.
On one hand, I've heard the boy showed no sign of being troubled. On the other, schoolmates say he often wore a black trench coat, (regardless of the weather) as did the Columbine shooters.
As Bill Ingvall would say, "There's your sign."
Video games, and that rock and roll too!

Violence/gun violence has been blamed on electronic games going back to the days of space invaders, Pitfall, and Combat (one blob shoots at another blob). The numbers have never added up, and in fact, the effect in those early days in particular was the inverse. The spread of at-home arcade-type game consoles was actually seen to reduce violent crime in the relevant demographics for a probably too-simple reason: if you're at home playing video games, you're not out on the corner slinging lead.

Look at the raw numbers of how many people actually play network-connected violent video games. It's actually the very same argument gun owners traditionally make against gun-grabbers who say that more guns cause more crime: billions of dollars worth of video games over multiple decades purchased by hundreds of millions of buyers. If the games caused violence, you'd know.

This shooting is pretty simple. He was awkward and had the hots for a girl that didn't like him. She shunned him and he snapped. This has been happening for 1000's of years. Trying to figure out which assholes are capable of this and intervening early is the hard part.
Some folks think school shootings are a new thing. They really are not. School shootings are recorded back to the 1800's. The difference was, it was one kid taking their dads gun and shooting one person they were angry with. Some folks think it is the introduction of the AR15 that is the problem. While it may be the weapon of choice for some shooters, it is far from the only gun used in mass shootings. If one goes back through all recorded school shootings, many different types of guns are used, the most common and one of the most deadly being the pistol. So if it is not the AR-15 that is the problem, what could be the problem? Some folks think bullying is the problem. The problem with that is bullying has always been around. Yet kids have not always gone to school and shot ten or twenty people because they were bullied. The only thing left is the person doing the shooting. They are somehow different from the kids of the past. They somehow, for some reason, are more angry and have less respect for other human lives. What causes that, I'm not sure. Maybe video games play a part. Maybe the drugs we are feeding them play a part. They seem to. Or, maybe it has more to do with the changes in our society and the way kids are raised. We, as a society have done everything we can to remove God from schools, public buildings, Social events, businesses, and government itself. We have destroyed the concept of marriage and it's importance. We reduced the idea of morality to a ridiculous old-fashioned idea. The truth is whatever a person perceives it to be. There is no such thing as right and wrong or good and bad. There is only what you "feel" is ok. Maybe these creatures are nothing more than a byproduct of the decay of our society and value system. Maybe this is only the beginning of what is to come. Whatever it may be I'm pretty sure, no matter how hard we try, there is no one thing we can point to and say, "this is what caused it". I'm also pretty sure, we as a collective society are in a downhill slide and these monsters are nothing more than evidence of it.
Good post, well said. God -based morality is the key - but much of society wants nothing of it anymore
I love ASP videos and he is spot on. The media has been a huge part of the problem by providing the "15 minutes of fame" They should not be allowed to provide names, pictures, or credit. It cost nothing to put this in place. It would take no training. It would take nothing more than a commitment on the part of the media. The sad part is, it will never happen.
I love ASP videos and he is spot on. The media has been a huge part of the problem by providing the "15 minutes of fame" They should not be allowed to provide names, pictures, or credit. It cost nothing to put this in place. It would take no training. It would take nothing more than a commitment on the part of the media. The sad part is, it will never happen.

Yes. His videos are very informative. Watch everyone of em
We are witnessing the “death of expertise”: a Google-fueled, Wikipedia-based, blog-sodden collapse of any division between professionals and laymen, students and teachers, knowers and wonderers – in other words, between those of any achievement in an area and those with none at all. By this, I do not mean the death of actual expertise, the knowledge of specific things that sets some people apart from others in various areas. There will always be doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other specialists in various fields. Rather, what I fear has died is any acknowledgment of expertise as anything that should alter our thoughts or change the way we live.

This is a very bad thing. Yes, it’s true that experts can make mistakes, as disasters from thalidomide to the Challenger explosion tragically remind us. But mostly, experts have a pretty good batting average compared to laymen: doctors, whatever their errors, seem to do better with most illnesses than faith healers or your Aunt Ginny and her special chicken gut poultice. To reject the notion of expertise, and to replace it with a sanctimonious insistence that every person has a right to his or her own opinion, is silly.

We are not experiencing a “death of expertise”. We are experiencing a death of common sense. You can find an “expert” to declare anything you want to be true today....from global warming ala Al Gore to the wonderful joys of socialism.

Americans have every right to question “experts” in the field of medicine who push the newest drugs developed by big pharma...just look at the “Gardasil” shot being pushed on young girls...or “experts” in the field of psychology who push Freudian or Jungian “facts” they learned at the feet of their liberal professors.

Almost every current “expert” has been trained in our colleges whose professors are wild-eyed liberals pushing an Orwellian agenda, not the truth.

And you wonder why people today have a healthy suspicion of current “experts”. LOL.

Our country was founded on the belief that individuals, not government funded “experts”, know what’s best for their families.
This shooting is pretty simple. He was awkward and had the hots for a girl that didn't like him. She shunned him and he snapped. This has been happening for 1000's of years. Trying to figure out which assholes are capable of this and intervening early is the hard part.

He also was a nerd who stayed up all night blowing people away on X-box. And if the truth was known, most of his buddies who shoot up schools were also blowing people away on video games. Or also on some experimental drugs prescribed by the family “expert” doctor.

But that might cost some big corporations some profits so lest just blame the guns.
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