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Anyone else think there is something wrong with commercial chickens being grown from chicks to fryer size in 7 weeks?

Everyones hormones are ****ed because birth control in the tap water and plastics touching everything you eat. Not to mention GMO soy and what round up does. So many kids turn into gays because of this as well. Their brainnis getting wrong hormonal signals
This may be my all time favorite comment on the ODT!
I have a friend who's uncle has a large chicken farm and he works for Tyson, Purdue and others. He raises 85000 chickens at a time and says they go from chick to fryer in 7 weeks. I raised our own chickens and they didn't grow that fast naturally so what are they putting in the feed?
It's genetics.
I used to know a guy who had two chicken houses.. he said at a certain time before the birds were taken to the processor he was to give them something called "reducer"...he said it with a wink..wink..nod..nod....wonder what they are reducing..🤭..this was about 10 years ago..
That's likely WITHDRAWAL feed. Broiler chickens are fed different feed types from start til finish of the growout
Some people pay good money for hormones and steroids. They are just giving it away with cheap meat now, sounds like a win win. My balls are all shrunken buts that's better than when my nipples were all leaky when my wife had me on tofu.
But seriously, Did the industry ever figure out what was causing Woody chicken? We only buy foo foo chicken now and still occasionally get some. Seemed like cheap stuff was every other pack.
woody chicken is a result of the breeding heritage and from the chicken sitting on the litter for long periods of time. The breeding, feed, water and lighting are all controlled from the time the egg is laid until the slaughter. They put in just enough light that the chickens will eat and drink, but not get up and walk around and burn off all those expensive calories they just ate
I asked my 10 year old neighbor if he was enjoying his 5th grade experience as the smallest kid in his class. He

It's genetics.

That's likely WITHDRAWAL feed. Broiler chickens are fed different feed types from start til finish of the growout
I have done a lot of work with chicken farmers of various sorts. One interesting fact is that they are basically indentured to the company - the company owns the chicken that lays the eggs, the eggs, the chicks, the feed, - the so called "farmer" supplies the land, the house, and the labor.

One bitter fact is that if you (the farmer) get into a dispute with the company, and they cut you off, you're screwed, because all the other companies will black ball you and you don't get chickens. You can't go to Tractor Supply and buy 40,000 chicks.

Anyway, one interesting thing that I learned about feed is the "conversion factor". The company owns and weighs the feed. Then they weigh the grown chickens, and the difference is the "conversion factor". They measure it to two decimal places, and the farmer's compensation is based in part on how small the factor is (that it, how efficiently the chickens convert feed to meat). That is a factor primarily of environment - was heat, cooling, lighting maintained at optimum levels.

FWIW, the stinkiest houses, which not many people are exposed to, are the breeder houses, where the fertile eggs come from. The eggs are laid on a wire floor in a flock of chickens, and the broken eggs and chicken crap fall through the floor to the dirt, and after several weeks the stench is overwhelming.
I mean it's seen strictly as a commodity and boosting these chickens to be bigger quicker is just business.

It's gross, and some of these things can barely walk a few feet before falling back down, not to mention the similar hormones their pumped full of having affect on our own endocrine system. But it is what it is.

Had some Amish chicken before and that was pretty good. Definitely a much different taste than all this mega farm chicken.
I have a friend who's uncle has a large chicken farm and he works for Tyson, Purdue and others. He raises 85000 chickens at a time and says they go from chick to fryer in 7 weeks. I raised our own chickens and they didn't grow that fast naturally so what are they putting in the feed?
ever notice the young 15 year old girls of today are stacked like a brick **** house? Growth hormone in chickens causes it. The beef eater kids have regular breasts.
I have a friend who's uncle has a large chicken farm and he works for Tyson, Purdue and others. He raises 85000 chickens at a time and says they go from chick to fryer in 7 weeks. I raised our own chickens and they didn't grow that fast naturally so what are they putting in the feed?
I guess chickens have "evolved". My family always had a broiler house of 10,000 up until '84, at that time we kept them 11 to 12 weeks.
I worked a summer in a Gold Kist hatchery, an unusually vile job and part of one in a rendering plant in Athens. (Close second) Grew up on a cattle farm, trading beef to the chicken and pig farmers for their stuff. Picked up eggs in layer houses from age 8 to 12.

After the hatchery, I could not eat eggs for almost 6 years, only exception was basic training where I would eat anything.

Slopping around there and the rendering plant in rubber boots and the smell was overwhelming. Had to keep a change of clothes in the car to wear home. Mom almost threw up the first night I got home from the hatchery. Made me go outside and undress to my skivvies and hosed me down with the hose before I could go shower.

All chicks got the shots on the way out to the white bus, some ended up in the slop chute for missing legs, wings, etc.

Some 40 years later I enjoy my chicken and eggs like it never happened.
Hormones, steroids and all sorts of unnatural things go in just about everything we eat. And it has an effect. The rate of children with stuff wrong with them is 20 times higher than it was 100 years ago. Boys who think they are girls and vice versa and you name it. Autism and special needs. All of it has gone up 10 fold in our lifetime. And it's not from global warming lol.
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