Anyone tried Nutrisystem to lose weight?

You might be surprised how much weight you lose just by cutting out most carbs. Sugar, bread, potatoes, rice. It's actually quite difficult, which is why it works wonders. You will see results right away. Then add in a little exercise and your body will thank you.
Kinesiology is my field of study I would say keto as well. The logic behind it is basically forcing your body to burn fat as a fuel source which in turns will help you lose weight. Just my 2 cents high protein and fat. Many people just use protein shakes as a meal replacement to start. So your breakfast would be a protein shake.
Do you practice kinesiology or just study it? Asking for a friend of a friend.
Watching your net carbs and eating your body weight in grams of lean protein along with some strength training and light cardio will make a huge difference.
I try to keep carbs at 50 grams per day or less. I need more aerobic exercise though. I have lost 20 lbs in the past 90 days and A1C has dropped from 11.7 to 7.3. Cholesterol numbers have drastically improved too.

No rice, potatoes, or other processed foods. No sugar. Liquid Apriva for my coffee (cut that to one cup per day). Lots of greens, lettuce, cauliflower (riced is good) and broccoli. You can eat all the green beans you want.
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