Ar-15 Pistol legality as a Truck Gun

Within the Georgia state lines, you won’t have any legal issues with what you’ve described. Your real concern should be how to secure it properly...many a truck gun has been stolen from under pick up seats in don’t want that loaded AR in the wrong hands. My biggest advice would be to have absolutely zero pro gun, right wing, pro 2nd Amendment or NRA stickers on your vehicle. They’re a billboard for thieves.
This. But with that being said it’s always easiest especially right now to show a little courtesy if you do get stopped. Be careful taking advice from guys here because ass you can see there are a lot of anti authoritarian attitudes and smart mouths. You might run into the random cop that will pull you out when you tell him you are armed, although you have no legal requirements to tell them it will usually be a cool conversation about what you carry. They may ask you to step out, keyboard warriors/law enforcement experts here will tell you you don’t have to, buy Pennsylvania vs mimms says you do. I’d suggest you pm galaw on here as he’s 99% spot on.
You guys will have to excuse me for my ignorance on the subject of the Title of this thread. Lately I have been entertaining purchasing some sort of AR pistol as a truck gun to keep with me at all times while I am out and about. I wouldn't be carrying said firearm in public, that is what my glock is for. I do have a Georgia weapons carry permit. What are some things I should keep with me as far as documentation pertaining to legality of AR Pistols. Also what is acceptable/ not acceptable with a AR Pistol. EX can I leave it with a loaded magazine? Is there a mag cap limit seeing that it is a pistol. Lastly has any one had any issues with keeping a AR Pistol with them and having issues during a traffic stop? Just for reference I conceal every day while I am out, I also keep a considerable amount (i feel) of ammo in my truck for my glocks. I also keep my Cheapo AR-15 behind the back seat, all be it stored and unloaded. Thank you guys for any help. I also understand that any advice given is not true legal binding advice and That I am ultimately responsible for knowing the laws and understanding the interpretations.
Stop over-thinking it. It’s all good. Most you should worry about is making sure your windows are tinted and doors are locked.
I sued the cop in federal court for false arrest and he won a decent money judgment and got his attorney's fees reimbursed.

Interesting feature to the case: I took the cop's deposition and asked him what about the gun made it a rifle. He said because it had a rifled barrel. The cop was in uniform, so I asked him what his duty pistol was. Glock 22. I asked him if that gun had a rifled barrel. He said no.
It is always surprising to my friends that police/military often aren't experts on firearms and many don't know much at all about them.
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