Another piece on the way!
The Ukrainian conflict got me working again on my conscript blaster!
Recent updates:

I just purchased and installed an ALG AKT-EL with the lighting-bow
Holy cow what a trigger!! I love this trigger and would recommend it to any AK user! Would have loved to try the UL, but I couldn’t find one in stock and everyone said it’s TOO LIGHT! So no go on that

I also re-blued the bolt and have discovered that the 1.5 Acog is the perfect optic for engaging up to 300yards, actually rang a 2x2 plate at 440yards this is now far and away my favorite gun in my collection.

Haven’t filed for my form one, but I plan to soon.

If anyone has engraving and barrel crowning shop recommendations, let me know!

The Wolverine was certified and Efiled on 3/1, so I’ll keep you guys updated on my efile4 wait time as well.

Here are some pics, and thanks for any tips. If you’re interested in the build, comment any questions. I’ve learned a ton from working on this AKs-74u
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