Be careful whom you dis

I think since obama is ruining america so badly.we should rise up against him, evertbosy make there own money stop pouring money into the system when things get bad enough hell be forced to quit
Saying you don't want to pay taxes as some kind of protest is just as much bull**** as saying you want marijuana legalized so you can use hemp rope and cook with hemp oil.

You are a tax cheat. Deal with it.
I honestly.think the states, tbe south primarily should suceedd from the unio, break off and declarevwarvwith socialist washington dc, sometimes it takes drastic measures to inflict change, its obvious politics arent gunna change anytjing in washington.
Oh it doesnt bother me imma tax cheat lol my wallet stays flush and cash in tje gun safevinstead of goverment pockets besides half the tax dollars go to ppl that sit around doing nothing, and btw i dont support marinuana
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