Clean your firearms!!

I am on a week on, week off schedule. Salaried so whatever for pay. My rifles and pistols are cleaned, optics mounted, leveled, and torqued to the correct spec, ammo sorted and stored, mags loaded. I didnt do this to be prepared...I did it because I am bored and my wife isnt letting me shoot bc of this social distancing bs.

I can still shoot because the ranges I use are outdoors on private property. Getting a little of that done as well!
I cleaned 6 guns yesterday, but they needed it. I've been shooting every day since last Friday, even in the rain. 2 pistols, 3 rifles, 1 shotgun.

Being in self quarantine has been great! Back to work tonight...ugh.
ALMOST every gun I have ever bought on here with the exception of revolvers and a g48 and maybe 3 more...have been filthy. one dude said sorry its dirty, i just came from the range, i wanted to shoot it one more time.
I am surprised folks sell dirty guns, but most I have bought were dirty. A couple looked spotless, but those were the exception.

Would you try to sell a filthy car?
aint nobody got time fo dat.

ill just list the ones I don't want to clean for sale on here :) all the guns I buy on here seem to come dirty as ****, aint that how it works??

After my recent trade with @chucklenut I can say there is a grain of truth to that.... I spent 3 hours going over what I got with him cleaning all the carbon out.

And I KNOW what he got from me was clean.

I am still very very happy with the trade though.
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