Excited n just want to share

congrats Bro! I think people that are not deep into the mindset like us the mental part would be the toughest for them they would be overwhelmed. people learn acronyms easier then a lot of things the one vc mentioned...stop s.t.o.p. could be a life saver. I wish you the best!!!
Lol, yup.

I'll come to your class, but.
My wife and I like to go to bars and act like were not together. She'll go in and sit at the bar have a drink then I'll come in and sit elsewhere her and have a drink. I'll schmooze around a bit and dudes will go hit on her and what not. It's fun, we play single for a hour or two and then we hook up and leave together.

We should do something like that at your class
Well, when you get good news you share it with your friends so... I got a call from TruPrep the other day n they want me to teach a survival skills class. I have a basic course syllabus I made for the classes I have been teaching here n there to keep me from missing any important lessons. Aside from just sharing with my brothers on here (cuz I think that actually makes me a professional instructor -at least on paper) I wanted I put from you guys to make sure I don't leave anything out.

What kinds of things would you guys expect to learn from this type of class? I will post my syllabus and if y'all don't mind posting what I may have left out
I think navigation is a good thing, some people don't know where the sun takes off in the morning and where it lands at night. also let people know when they do build a fire they can take the charcoal pcs and break up a hand full and put it in a rag and pour water thru it and get clean water. cut a plastic water bottle near the top and turn it over into the bottom and put the rag with charcoal in the funnel top pc. then pour the water thru. than you won't have to boil water every time. also replace your boot laces with 550 cord and it will always be on hand. you could use the insides and still tie your boots with the outer layer. another thing some people don't even carry a small pocket knife, something as simple as that would make life a lot easier. for bugging in let folks know that most of them already have about 30 gallons of clean water in their hot water heater. that is just another reason to drain a little out of the bottom for maintenance to keep the sludge out. those of you with diesel trucks can use the oil from transformers if the power grid is down to run your truck or tractors,there is about 15 gal in 1 transformer. I am too old to bug out I am staying put ,I can't carry all my stuff that I have or need to take so if I have to I will barbeque 2 legged sheep. should be plenty of sheep around. I think you will do good teaching the class even though I don't know you personally ,just making people think for themselves and taking stock of what is around to use and how to do basic things is going to be helpful. I taught my 10 yr. old granddaughter and 5 yr. old grandson how to start a fire with a magnesium fire starter. they thought it was pretty cool. try to get the parents to bring their kids for maybe half price and set an age so you aren't changing diapers in the middle of teaching, kids pick up things quick and don't know they can't do something and they really like learning this stuff. boy scouts hand book has a wealth of info, I still have mine from the mid 60's. well good luck with the class.
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