For all us diabetics out there.

Don’t believe the advertisements. Read the labels. Carbohydrates are long chains of sugar. I eat limited bread and a sweet every now and then. it takes time. Your not going to fix it shots, pills or exercise. It is what you put in the pie hole.
Always consider changes to your eating habits a lifestyle change, not a "diet" or quick fix. I adopted Keto over 2 years ago and lost 28 pounds and have kept it off this whole time.
Bro, seriously? Tree fiddy? PLEASE get that under control and STOP smoking! I came danger close to being a three buck Chuck myself about ten years ago.

I took my doctor's advice (at the time of diagnosis in 2015) and went to the American Diabetics Assn website and reviewed their dietary guidelines, then immediately discarded them as poisonous and designed to make me med dependent the rest of my life.

This is anecdotal but what has worked for me (at least a little) is cutting out nearly anything with HFCS, refined sugars, and most fried foods. I avoid white starchy stuff like bread, crackers, rice (especially refined white), pasta and potatoes. Stopped using any type of margarine (IDC what it is made of) and started using regular butter (unsalted for cooking at high temp), olive or coconut oil for sauté.

Add in green vegetables (green beans, broccoli, leafy plants like spinach, turnips, collards, lettuce), cauliflower (cooked, riced, creamed, etc. as a substitute for potatoes), very low fruit intake, and you will settle on a diet that works to lower your body fat and increases your body's ability to burn calories (especially with moderate exercise). You may have to develop a palate for foods you previously disliked and reserve the starchy/fried stuff for a treat or reward at milestones. Eventually you'll find the risk/reward for eating the bad stuff just isn't worth it. As an example, about once per month I travel to the NC coast and allow myself to have ONE visit to Bella's NY Pizza shop in Calabash for a two slice lunch special. Afterwards I feel what a whore must feel like in church on Sunday, but man that's good pizza. LOL.

Not being preachy and I'm sure you know most of this but it's a lifestyle change. I went from an A1C of 11.7 to 5.3. I have a bit to go but my goal is to get off the Metformin and Glipizide eventually.
This simple statement keeps me going in the right direction. Every time I want something bad I remind myself of it. It really does help.

"Eat to live, don't live to eat."

Food is nothing but fuel.
You've got to burn more calories than you're taking in to tip the scales in your favor
A good percentage of that weight gain will be water. At that weight once you begin to lose weight it'll be substantial for a month or two before it levels out and slows down but it will be tipped in the right direction. Stay strong
I second the Freestyle Libre. I have the Libre3 that gives a running BS count w/o having to even scan the monitor. My endo. took me off my meds last August, but I still monitor. 6 of the monitors cost about $220. Each monitor is supposed to last 2 weeks, although they sometimes fail before that time...
If they fail or fall off before the 2 weeks are up call 855-632-8658. Politely explain the problem. The will ask a hundred stupid questions, even if you have already given them the information. If you can survive the pain of dealing with their BS they will send you a new replacement.

I’ve been wearing the Freestyle Libre for several years and it is way better info than a finger stick.
I second the Freestyle Libre. I have the Libre3 that gives a running BS count w/o having to even scan the monitor. My endo. took me off my meds last August, but I still monitor. 6 of the monitors cost about $220. Each monitor is supposed to last 2 weeks, although they sometimes fail before that time...
My wife uses this and what I like is I have the companion app on my phone so I can keep HER honest….
Type 1.5 here, and I will forever beat the drum of CGMs. The visibility it gives you into your glucose readings on the spot at any time are unreplaceable. With alarms, if my sugar starts to get out of range you can easily smack it back down to where it should be. Absolute game changer.
It is just so hard to lose weight. When we finish getting moved I'm gonna put everything I got into it and work out and exercise until I pass out. LOL

My PTSD meds sent me down this road. They cause weight gain. I went from 6'2" 200 to 300 in a year and a half. Now I'm at 350 and holding steady.

I gotta do something.
Eat beef butter bacon and eggs. Drink water, nothing else, weight will fall off and diabetes will go away
If they fail or fall off before the 2 weeks are up call 855-632-8658. Politely explain the problem. The will ask a hundred stupid questions, even if you have already given them the information. If you can survive the pain of dealing with their BS they will send you a new replacement.

I’ve been wearing the Freestyle Libre for several years and it is way better info than a finger stick.
I actually did this for the first time last Friday when the 3rd one that week went out. It was a pita w/o a doubt!!
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