How to clean your suppressor

This dissolves all carbon fouling.
What's the first rule of dip club. Jeeze guy...
Psh if you do everything straight and wear your PPE and have a hazmat drop off like a local mechanical shop you're G2G. Don't think it's illegal to do? But God knows now days. Maybe I dun committed a "shoulder weld my Closed letter kak shockwave brace and shot with my can so much it got dirty and I had to make poison to clean out my registered Silencer parts and dispose of the byproduct into a barrel full of stuff that makes things like Ninja Turtles and spider humans" crime. EPA and NFA double nut stomping me. :behindsofa:
I just shoot a couple of 223's out of my 22lr cans and no more build up. JK, I scrape, Hopps, and then use a Miracle polishing cloth on mine. Always seems to be worse when I shoot the pistols.
The real hazmat skull placarding is so much more raw. He looks like death straight up wear an umbrella when you **** with rain too it says.
It's no longer produced in US. Imported from Russia, Eastern European countries, and China.
It'll dissolve caked on carbon off of aluminum head with 100k miles and make it look like new cast.
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