How young is too young to teach reloading

My 4 year old daughter likes to help me reload.
I dont let her do too much but she is learning the terminology and knows the basic process of making ammo.
Who know what the future holds?
It seems to me like this is a real good step in the right direction, (with supervision of course).
I'd hate for my grandkids to be in a tight and have grandpa's reloading equipment right there and not know how to use it.
We teach them to take care of themselves and protect themselves, this is a very logical step.

Could you imagine having a gun and no bullets, with all the stuff needed to reload and not know how to use it?
It's a grandpa's nightmare....
I started mine out at about 10.I figured by then he was old enough to realize what he was doing,remember it, and be aware of the bad stuff that happens if you do't do it right.You never know....this could be invaluable knowledge one day.
All 3 of my kids began shooting before the age of 6. They have all helped me at the reloading bench around that time frame as well. I didn't set a particular age to start, I just realized they were curious and I wanted to let them see what I was doing. I let them deprime/resize and flare brass and crimp loaded ammo. They haven't gotten to the stage of dropping powder or priming cases. The powder/primer handling will come with time. They are now 8, 10 & 13 and still have an interest in reloading and shooting.
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