I quit.....

i used the vapor cigs for a few months but one day i ran out of the cartridges and bought a pack of smokes. Needless to say it didnt work for me but obviiously i wasnt ready to quit. Best of luck
I quit cigs using the eGo-T kit with tank, batteries started going bad after about 6 months, switched to the eGo-Twist, last much longer and is slightly variable. I pretty much quit cigs the same day I started vaping, quit vaping after about 6 months and wasn't doing anything......Just started vaping again recently, but almost done with it again.

I used http://www.awesomevapor.com/ - since they're in Cumming, I normally get my order the next day & good folks to deal with
What ever you do don't think for a minute you're stronger than cigarettes and you can smoke just one. After several decades of smoking I quit using nicorette gum after my father passed from a stroke. I got off the gum and was completely nicotine free for a year before I found a couple of cigarettes in a pack in my work truck. I thought I was strong enough to smoke one after lunch. Well long story short I'm back up to a pack a day.
I'm going to have to put you on administrative leave while your Group 4 membership is under review..................The review committee will let you know our official decision by the end of the month.
Congrats. I quit on 12/31/12. I vaped for about 2 months and know I only vape once a week. figure I'll be done with it in another month. I am so glad i quit cigarettes.
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