Im 40 in a 22 year old body

Thats a good thing to do and especially with your dad. I have some information on the effect the Civl War had on my family. Thats why there is a branch of my family in Kentucky,the war split them up.
Its really interesting when you can find the info. Alot of states didn't keep as good of records as GA did we are quite fortunate we even found my great great great grandfathers name on the roster of the gordon rifles he made it through the whole war without a scratch hes buried with a confederate grave marker in Resaca
I turned 21 in the Marine Corps, a sergeant and Viet Nam vet..I was discharged 5 days after my 21st birthday after 4 years of service...I know right where you are, when I was discharged, I found very, very few people my own age that I had anything in common with and to be quite honest their childish B.S. got on my last nerve.

I never served I was planning on going in the navy then found the fire dept and I was sold. but I stopped volunteering after my son was born life just got to busy
I never served I was planning on going in the navy then found the fire dept and I was sold. but I stopped volunteering after my son was born life just got to busy

No matter you will make it up on the back end in a far more enjoyable way than the folks your feel out of touch with.
I love when one generation looks down on another generation. I don't think in the grand scheme of things my generation (I'm 21) is any different than the generation of folks that are 35-40 now. I think it's pretty common to look at those younger than you and say things like "they're immature" and that their generation is a lost cause. It happens with every generation. My guess would be the WWII generation felt the same way about the 30-50 year olds today. It might not be a popular opinion on here considering most on this board are a generation or two older than me. But as technology continues to develope, like it always has, each generation is going to look down on the next one and think that "they have it so much easier than I did". I don't care what anybody says, when you were young and dumb you made mistakes too and you became wiser and more responsible the older you became. Just like my generation will and every generation after me will as well.

As far as you providing for your family and being indepent, good for you. But I have to take issue with your comments about other people your age having fun and enjoying their college years. Just because you had a kid early and got married and have to work full time now as a 22 year old doesn't mean that's the same path everyone else should take. I'm 21 and can't even imagine being married and raising a kid this time next year. Just because other people in your age range are going to college and having a good time doesn't mean they're any less "mature" than you are. You have a lot of responsibility on your plate because you made the choice to get married and have a child at an earlier age than most of this and the last generation. I think what you should consider is they don't have as many responsibilities as you do because they might not be married or have a kid.
I have the opposite problem. I still think I can do things and my body disagrees. LOL!

Ha ! Just got back from a long "walk" under a ruck LOL......going on six decades and I think it's time to commit seppuku and just surrender. Gosh darn it hurts. Nothing seems to do as it did and it happened almost overnight.

Dawg511 relax man.....things have changed and generations do see things differently. That's for very real reasons sometimes and sometimes just posterity, but it has been a topic of the ages. People just used to get to ***** about it amongst friends and family before z-interwebs. :)
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Yeah that is very true with the internet and the media and social network. I'm on a few forums and I'm usually one of the younger members on all of them. I'm just tired of seeing our generation dragged through the mud. I think a lot of it has to do with technology though and the fact that it is so much easier with social media for my generation to show the world how stupid young people can be. Lol
A lot has changed. Used to be a young person did something stupid when they fell off the back of a wagon. But that was a long time ago.....
I feel you, i have no friends either. Even though i'm 26 i have never had a facebook or any other social media site. I had to grow up fast, had a lot of responsibility too, and have been through a lot for being so young i feel like a old man. I think i need to get out the house more.
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