It's basic animal husbandry...

I know that not everyone was raised on a farm, but some things are just basic biology.

I spent over an hour last night trying to explain chickens and eggs to a co worker. She couldn't grasp the concept that baby chickens come from a fertilized egg. That chickens lay eggs w/o a rooster and that a hen has to sit on the eggs for them to hatch. I kid you not. The concept seemed foreign to her.

I then had to explain that a cow will not produce milk w/o having a calf first. I told her, just like in humans (and all other mammals).

I can't begin to tell you how many times I have been asked if we milked our bull!! A BULL!! I mean, you could "milk" your bull, but only the bull is going to enjoy it :)

You can't make this **** up...

She is not alone! I know a business manager and he thought you have to have a rooster just to get eggs.
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