Legal to carry in church

There are churches that AIN`t mostly liberal.A lot.Think about this.St.Peter carried a sword on his side every day while he walked alongside of Jesus.Why?Because pistols weren`t invented.The sword was the state-of-the-art weapon of that time.The night before Jesus` arrest,he advised the disciples to go buy 5 swords.They found 3,and HE said something to the effect,that 3 would be enough.(worded different ways in different Bibles)My support for carrying in church.I just don`t want to see some fool totin` a Taurus Judge in a group of folks,when it may be necessary to use it.Also,a defender should be able to hit the perp and nobody else.I know that just anybody can`t pull this off.That`s called training.Some of the folks I`ve seen commenting on this website about "whut I`d do"in a shooter situation,I hope they stay home that Sunday.Please don`t hijack this into a religous fight.I know Peter cut the guy`s ear off.He used the weapon to make a point(offensively instead of defensively).Jesus didn`t like that too well.Neither did the guy with one ear.
Everybody dies.No getting around that.When your time is up,your time is up.

The question has already been asked (though not answered)...if this is the case, why bother doing anything that might extend your life? If my time of death is carved in stone somewhere, what I possibly do to change it? Why watch what I eat? Why wear a seatbelt? Why not take whatever crazy risk I want to?
I could not live with myself if my wife or children or anyone else in our church home was injured or killed becouse some wacko came in and shot the place up and I didnt have my weapon on me. Also I can (CAN'T.....fixed that for you!) find anywhere in the bible where it says not to defend ourselves or our loved ones just becouse we are in church.

++1.....THAT's why I do.....very well CC'd and when it becomes "legal" it'll still be very well CC'd.
Thanks for the fix. Concealed is concealed. SO I guess the men and women I have talked to that attended a church service while deployed should have left their weapons in their tents. I know, some will say totaly different, but is it realy? The only differance between them and someone in a regular church service here is that they know someone might come in any min and try to kill everyone. Do I think soeone will come into my church and shoot everyone up? It could happen. Just like it could happen that you get killed in a car crash. Do you take every precaution to stay alive in case the worst happens? Sure you do. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Personaly I like to stay at a high yellow. Might mean the differance between life and death.
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