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Navy denies NFL opportunity for Midshipman

It's sad, sure he got no division I offers, and yes he signed a contract that clearly spelled out his obligations. But what kind of world would it be if people were expected to meet thier obligations and held to thier word!! This is especially problematic when you factor in the number of former officers who go into politics, the very idea that honesty and integrity have any place in politics is ludacris. Let him play!! Sure the odds are his career will be short and ended due to injury, but then he can transition into politics as a disabled veteran.
It's the exact same mentality as "I don't want to have to pay my college tuition back. I know what I agreed to, but I want somebody else to do it."
That kid is simply a product of today.
AGREED!! - ^^^^^^
Pricey.. Whining.gif
He was undrafted and likely wouldn't make the roster. It's the classic he wants his cake and to eat it too.
No one should be prevented from chasing their 'dreams'. Therefore, I'd offer him this deal. "If you want to go try to make the team, we'll gladly give you a dishonorable discharge for not honoring your contract terms so you can chase your 'other dream'. And of course you need to pay us 4 years of tuition. Your call."
I'd venture to say that a 4 year military academy degree is worth more than a 4 year degree from a university or college.
Forget your Ivey League these are the real exclusive schools.
If you want out you want out.
thats the problem these days...peoples wants change with the wind, no dedication to their commitment or their word. He signed up and made a commitment, he should stick it out regardless of what he :wants" this week...that "want" will likely change next week
“Haze gray, salt spray, underway everyday”. Shiver me timbers, you sign the papers matey now go do your duty and just make sure you keep the main mast out yer booty! Aaarrrrgggghhhhhh!
do you really want officers in charge of peoples lives when they'd rather be doing something else?
Absolutely not. Should he complete his education at the academy he needs to be focused like a laser beam on a.) the welfare and training of his men, b.) accomplishing his mission. If he wanted to play in the NFL he shouldn't have accepted the appointment to the academy. That goes for the others mentioned in the story too.
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