Official ODT Silver Thread

see jrr888 jrr888 at
They passed with flying colors during an 11Alive undercover test of "We Buy Gold" stores.

I moved out of Georgia a couple years ago and probably miss the ODT more than anything else from living in Ga for 13 years. I’m out of the business professionally but still dabble in coins.
Frankly I love the dive that precious medals are taking right now..When I feel confident that this BS scare is rebounding, I will invest some more for Da Silver 1oz .999 seems it will climb at a very good rate do to all the chicken little believers..This is one I don't let pass by is, the dumb asser's that panic..We all gonna die some day...Use common sense people, It's not really hard! Invest when the time is right. Polly never get a chance like this again...Thanks to the Dumb ass Democrapes like sheep on the hill under a tree, when lightning strikes.
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