One for the Haterz

It's true. :pout:
I clicked "like" just so I could click "unlike"

Should've added a swisher sweet to the pic, ghettotastic
Can I borrow some black chicks for my video?

But them extendos
I need to get a face tattoo

Sprinkle a little bit of blow on it, and it will be Tony Montana approved :thumb:
How much blow is a little?
RPB made approximately 7 nickel-chromed Open Bolt Semi's back in 1982.. yours looks good enough to say there were 8 :evil:
Really? Is that true? I googled chrome mac10 and none came up. Just polished ones. This makes me happy
Seems like there should be a can of Colt .45 and an open pack of Kools in the pic. lol
I have a bottle of Colt 45 in my office, courtesy of captdave77 captdave77 . To give my liquor cabinet more diversity. Malt liquor is a type of liquor too you know and it deserves the same respect as that Pappy stuff.
How many you need
How many can we get? Remember, I'm a quantity over quality kind of guy too, so go cheap.
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