Round Count?

I count and document every pull of the trigger. Doesn't everyone do that? :noidea:

Or you could reply "More than your weak millenial mind can add without a calculator and google to tell you how to use it.....douche"
I have a gun I bought in 1985 that has been shot less than 20 times,is that to little? Do I need to get that round count up? Bahahahahahaha round count
Buyer would prefer 20 over 20,000.

Is 20 too little?
Yes but that is an actual number that can be found..
True, but’s there’s an odometer on cars.

Asking about round count on a gun, to me, is like asking about PPI (pumps per intercourse) and TPC (total pump count) with a new girlfriend. Original owner but kept the round count low for the next owner to enjoy. Let’s me check my notes on PPI and TPC and get back to you!

At the end of the day it’s a gun, it’s either used or not. Low round count with crap reloads will do more damage to a gun than shooting premium ammo and a higher round count with a lot of care taken in upkeep. At least that’s how I see it!
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