Rudy smells like a skunk

Forgot to mention Rudy also got snake bit Friday night. Guessing a copperhead , he had some pretty good swelling and bite mark on the bridge of his nose. He can't help himself...
You seem intent on the pissing thing. I'm not sure what costs are involved but you might check out the Craigslist Personals under " Golden Showers ". Just saying...
sounds like owner neglect my friend , get him a new owner if you care about rudy
Meh, I live on a fair amount of land in a rural area, there's wild animals, Rudy can jump the fence in the back yard and climb out of a 7' high kennel.He wants to be free and with freedom comes danger. Trust me Rudy has it pretty good if you ask me, comes into the AC when it's hot or cold, free food and water, and never has to drive when we go to the store. Don't you have a neighbor you should be creeping on or something??
Meh, I live on a fair amount of land in a rural area, there's wild animals, Rudy can jump the fence in the back yard and climb out of a 7' high kennel.He wants to be free and with freedom comes danger. Trust me Rudy has it pretty good if you ask me, comes into the AC when it's hot or cold, free food and water, and never has to drive when we go to the store. Don't you have a neighbor you should be creeping on or something??

Wanna arm wrestle
Where do you live? Skunks and copperheads?!?!?!? Yuck. My 2 dogs got bit by a copperhead years ago. They came in, faces swollen, and the vet told us it was the biggest bite they had seen. Thankfully I only have one old dog now that doesn't chase anything (except for some reason he will squirrels if I drop 'em in the front yard off the birdfeeder. Easy meal for him.
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