
At this point…. I am willing to try almost anything to keep these damned things at bay .
Everytime I go through an episode or series of episodes within a short time frame, I lose more and more. It takes longer to get back to where I can function, my memory is just trashed to hell, as it is now and the physical pain and aches from them are brutal too ! Headaches like u wouldn’t believe !
My brother in law just totalled his car from a seizure. He was ok, and not driving anymore. He was just diagnosed with MS, and they're working on getting him on the correct medication.
I do pray he is on the right stuff and they can control it.
I now can really sympathize with folks that go through this stuff….it can be brutal !
The driving thing is really a pisser for me as well. I am a mechanic by trade ! So that tosses that out the window a good bit ! Hard to test them when you can’t drive them ! Lol.
Of course, i havent worked full or part time for a garage in years. I was able to make a decent living keeping up with family and friends vehicles and still had dozens that wanted me to work on their stuff. Constantly trying to pay me or bribe me to do their stuff at my shop. I have always had a good knack for cars, trucks, bikes, anything mechanical. I have worked as a mechanic off and on for 30+ yrs.
As much as I really hate to say….I have had more of that stuff than one should ! Lol. Not nec for the seizures but for recreational. As I grew older I have been sort of laying off of it, I don’t buy it anymore (expensive as hell !!) and can’t really grow it without worry of getting caught and having my gun rights taken away but I may get back into it on a “down low basis”….if there is such ! Lol.
I have heard there are good effects on the use of it for seizures. I guess I need to look up some old friends ! :rolleyes:

Yeh man. Not trying to come off like "yeh man...((puff)) know it cures cancer, ((exhale))...right?".
But it's def changed and saved lives of people who suffer from seizures. If you're having so much trouble and the docs are just trying to see what sticks to the wall; then why not try it?
Yeh man. Not trying to come off like "yeh man...((puff)) know it cures cancer, ((exhale))...right?".
But it's def changed and saved lives of people who suffer from seizures. If you're having so much trouble and the docs are just trying to see what sticks to the wall; then why not try it?
Yep, I am going to be looking into it intensely now. I think it has gotten to the point to where I just have to try.
These damned things have done all but wrecked my life, that is not far off either !

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions.…everyone.

I will try to update some more soon.
Yep, I am going to be looking into it intensely now. I think it has gotten to the point to where I just have to try.
These damned things have done all but wrecked my life, that is not far off either !

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions.…everyone.

I will try to update some more soon.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hey Gents !!
Some of you guys may already know, most probably do not. So I figured I would go ahead and put it in so that y’all would understand if things got funny/weird/whatever - (more than normal).
I have been experiencing some seizure activity this last year to 18 months. Probably a little longer. But it has gotten very intense over the last 6+ months. I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago, again. It is really getting irritating .
The main point is I can’t remember squat ! I do/say something and some instances 30 mins later the info is gone completely!! The docs have no clue, of course, except how to write enormous bills ! Bwahahaha !! ( I think that is the first thing they teach them in med school)
Seriously, they have been running test after test. Trying med after med. The one I am on now I hate ! (But in all reality, I haven’t been fond of any of them).
** I have pretty much put my gun playing on the back burner. Reloading, shooting, buying, selling, etc., I think are better just left alone at the moment.**
I have also given up my keys driving temporarily. Had to. Of course, there is not really any help for someone like me , financially. If you are middle class white - You have to pretty much lose your house, etc. and all first. This is what I am experiencing anyway.

The way things are going, it won’t take that long ! LoL.

The main reason I am putting this out here is so you guys will understand if/when you communicate with me and I seem a little off (more than normal !!) you will have/understand a reason behind it.
I am trying like hell to get a handle on this thing, so please bare with me !

There are a bunch of you who have been champs about this already, helping tremendously- this group is awesome and I am very proud to be a part of it !! A few of y’all have come around with way more than necessary, helping tremendously and I really want to Thank you for all your understanding and help.

Thank you all once again , don’t be afraid to ask any questions, etc.
If you are out of bounds, I will say so ! LOL.

Ken B. /aka : 41mag :bounce:
Have your doctors done a full blood test workup? To include essential elements like sodium, potassium, etc. A serious deficiency in any of them can cause many problems: hallucinations, brain function, seizures, etc. The other side of the coin for someone older is that you should have full-body ultrasound imaging to find any blockages or constrictions due to plaque. I recently had to have and endarterectomy where they split my neck from ear to gullet and went in and cleaned out the carotid artery. I call it my Austrian Fencing Scar now :0)
Have your doctors done a full blood test workup? To include essential elements like sodium, potassium, etc. A serious deficiency in any of them can cause many problems: hallucinations, brain function, seizures, etc. The other side of the coin for someone older is that you should have full-body ultrasound imaging to find any blockages or constrictions due to plaque. I recently had to have and endarterectomy where they split my neck from ear to gullet and went in and cleaned out the carotid artery. I call it my Austrian Fencing Scar now :0)
Thanks for the info ! These are some things I will ask.
Thanks for caring too - :)
Merry Christmas !

(wanted to just add; that endarterectomy sounds brutal !! I have never heard of such ! Thanks for sharing)
Thanks for the info ! These are some things I will ask.
Thanks for caring too - :)
Merry Christmas !

(wanted to just add; that endarterectomy sounds brutal !! I have never heard of such ! Thanks for sharing)
It was to remove an almost complete block of the inner carotid artery on the left side. I was headed for a stroke, frankly. The scar was really nasty, but it is much better now. This was just after they finished surgery. 30 staples.

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