Selling to a 19 year old

What are your thoughts? I don’t know him personally. He’s a cousin of a good friend, good kid too, Bali’s ga license, no priors. Got held up in his car over this past week and wants a handgun to keep with him. I know the law says you can own one at 18 but not purchase. Makes no sense but sure… anyone have experience with this?
Good kids make bad decisions too. Proper training, safety, and etiquette is more important than an emotional gut feeling decision. Don't just see "if he likes it", see if he knows what he's doing. Then if not, teach him and train him until he's ready to responsibly own a firearm. Then sell.
There are plenty of 25, 35, 40, 50, 60 year olds out there who are terrible people. Age is no indication if you’re a good person or not. If it’s legal it’s legal. You can sell private party to anyone 18 or older so who cares?
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