Taliban Set Up an Ambush for Two Navy SEALs. They Weren’t Ready for this Bundle of Badass.

Yeah, I'm not a cat guy and neither are this Navy Seals.

Love the comments!


This was a really good video. We used dogs in Osan AIR Base in South Korea, from perimeter security at night, to bomb dogs. These dogs are worth there weight in Gold in keeping you and you'd men alive. Now, you can adopt these dogs. I saw one of these adopt DOGS at Main Street FireArms in Lilburn GA. She, was a Belgium dog liked like a Sheppard,she just sat in the corner of the store with her eyes were on her owner 100% of the time!!!
This is a clip from a Documentary called Seal Dog. It is a great show, if you get the chance you should watch for sure. I saw it on the Smithsonian Channel. Showed them jumping from airplanes and all kinds of training stuff. They also showed some of the gear that the dogs wear. Very cool.
Thank God for chopper. That story could have ended a lot worse. Thanks and God bless to all who have and will serve
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