The next plague will come out of California. They are sinking to third world levels.

When you adapt third world government practices don't be suprised when you get third world problems. The whole state needs a big dose of penicillin and a tetanus shot.
These people truly get the Government they deserve. I mean kids born in America dying from Syphilis?

"If left untreated, chlamydia and gonorrhea can result in infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain, while syphilis can cause blindness, hearing loss and neurologic issues. With more than 300,000 cases of all three diseases reported in the state in 2017, researchers counted 30 stillbirths resulting from congenital syphilis."

California, still has a few GOOD people, I hope they get out before the state sinks into the Ocean!!!
California, still has a few GOOD people, I hope they get out before the state sinks into the Ocean!!!
Unfortunately they have been overrun. Goes to show when you take a state with so much natural beauty, abundance of resources, perfect temperatures for crops and throw in a few liberals within a few years it is a bankrupt cesspool on the brink of disaster. Liberalism is a deadly disease that must be eradicated.
Look up "raw water movement" for the ultimate in sheer stupidity. When I learned of this 'movement' I couldn't believe it. It's a wonder that humans have advanced any technology at all over the millennia. Lemme go ahead (as I've done successfully many times before) and predict a cholera outbreak within 5 years.
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