Traveling to Disneyworld with CWL

I got in wearing a smartcarry holster with a Kahr P45 in it. The wand went off and I told him it was 1 or both artificial hips, and said I'd b glad to drop my pants to show the scars, he let me pass. Same thing worked at 6 flags and the Fox.
I like your style
Well on the other hand why live your life avoiding things you'd love to do just because you can't take a gun in? The Celtic Women are great, just go do it once. I knew of a guy who wouldn't go on a family cruise because he couldn't take his gun. So his family went without him. I don't understand living life like that. To each his own I guess. Me and my family would miss out on a lot of stuff if I had that mentality.
I rather like my mentality
I rather like my mentality
That's fine like I said to each his own. I'm just curious how folks rationalize like that. I would rather enjoy living my life and doing what I wan't, not worried whether or not I can bring a gun in or not. With that thinking I'd never get to take my kids to a theme park, on an airplane, to a Braves game, etc.
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