UPDATE--I got in!! see page 11--HELP---Canon Safe won't let me in

Try lithium batteries. I have digital locks at work that are opened hundreds of ties a day and only use a battery every six months . No problems with it. I have had hard parts wear out and need to be replaced but the digital art never fails. Canon will take are of you.
Yeah I really don't trust the electronics. Give me a big lock of some sort or even a combination lock.

Now that I think about it,it was unlocked and I could not get it to lock untill I changed the battery. Surely it doesn't unlock when the battery dies?!
Try lithium batteries. I have digital locks at work that are opened hundreds of ties a day and only use a battery every six months . No problems with it. I have had hard parts wear out and need to be replaced but the digital art never fails. Canon will take are of you.

I have had brand new Duracells in it....which it what Cannon recommend..

I have tried two batteries dated from Jan 2013 so I know they are good...

Rocked the lever back and forth...hard, soft...a little.....a lot....I have kicked it, cussed it...talked nice to it....read the manual....thrown the manual...walked over....picked the manual up...read it again....thrown it again....

My son and I did NOT practice but we should be OK....we are just going for fun anyway and it will be his first shoot....and my second....so not like we are contending for a podium or whatever they call it when you win something...just sucks....and pisses me off....not sure which it does more.
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