US Court of appeals, 4th circuit upholds decision to ban "assault rifles"

The ruling from the Richmond-based court goes further than other appellate courts that have reviewed similar laws in stating clearly that “assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are not protected by the Second Amendment.” The majority opinion, written by Judge Robert B. King, refers to the banned firearms as “weapons of war” that the court says are most useful in the military.

What the heck does he think the second amendment guarantees rights to? When the second amendment was written there were no "assault weapons" or "military-style" weapons. It was arms IE weapons IE guns. Why is it courts these days want to make a distinction when none was established when the rights were drafted? Just like the first amendment doesnt guarantee freedom of speech online but its protected just the same.
I've always said the NRA should turn it around on the MSM (that is so anti-2A) and use the arguement that when the 1st Amendment was written the founding fathers, in referring to freedom of the press, intended this to mean a manual printing press as used during this time. They could not have fathomed radio, tv, internet so these outlets are not protected as free speech and can be banned and only speech printed on a manual press is protected. See how they like the same argument applied to them.

I guess the libtard judges are too ignorant to realize at one time this was a "weapon of war."
Yep, and in 2008 in a narrow 5:4 SCOTUS decision the "right" to even possess a functional firearm by individual citizen was upheld.

One vote decided the right to even possess a firearm in your own home...

If one bothers, the arguments against the right are insightful to the required mental gymnastics required to ignore the purpose and intent of the right.

They do use big words and a verbose vocabulary... Educated idiots far beyond their own intelligence.
Yep, and in 2008 in a narrow 5:4 SCOTUS decision the "right" to even possess a functional firearm by individual citizen was upheld.

One vote decided the right to even possess a firearm in your own home...

If one bothers, the arguments against the right are insightful to the required mental gymnastics required to ignore the purpose and intent of the right.

They do use big words and a verbose vocabulary... Educated idiots far beyond their own intelligence.

And Hitlery said they were wrong in their decision...We dodged a bullet in November. It would have been war, sure enough, and it still may be.
Yep, and in 2008 in a narrow 5:4 SCOTUS decision the "right" to even possess a functional firearm by individual citizen was upheld.

One vote decided the right to even possess a firearm in your own home...

If one bothers, the arguments against the right are insightful to the required mental gymnastics required to ignore the purpose and intent of the right.

They do use big words and a verbose vocabulary... Educated idiots far beyond their own intelligence.

And another thing...Nothing in the bill of rights should ever come before the supreme Court. Ever. The mere suggestion of it should bring serious consequences to whoever instigates it.
Remember, no logic was use in this decision. What do they think the arms were when we wrote the constitution? They were all military arms. Look at all our popular hunting rifles (the test for ownership), they are based on military rifles. It's the transition from the battle field to the home that has occurred for hundreds of years. Our second amendment rights don't guarantee our right to hunt, but to engage in armed overthrow of a government gone amuck.
It is the left doing what they do best, using emotion to legislate from the bench. The 10-4 decision does not surprise me. Most of these people are products of the left leaning college system use to indoctrinate our kids. This is why Trump's win was so important and his supreme court picks as well.
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