USPS Stuck in Yard

Yep, not surprised. Down here in the deep dark Grove USPS is deteriorating rapidly. Multiple issues within just the last couple of months.
A few years back Obama told the drivers they could drive where ever they wanted to because they were government workers. LOL
This isn't localized to the usps. My subdivision entrance has a gate and is located at a small turn around where I own the grass and low areas. About every few months some moron will come down our road not realizing there is a gate, and rather than backing up to the turn will try to drive through the lowest and marshiest part. Inevitably hillarity ensues when the sink and then tear up my yard trying to get out. I put down 4x4 s line the curb to make it a little harder, now the idiots get partially stuck on those but I have had them get all the way on still.

It is becoming a societal norm to damage someone else's property rather than inconvenience yourself by having to pull your head out of the warm moist area and pay attention to the situation. I had one guy get his 4 door Toyota car so stuck that the car bottomed out. I personally thought this was great because now I could confront the moron and enquire why the f he thought it was a good idea. He stated he didn't see the turn around, and thought the grass would hold up. When asked why he thought it would be ok to drive through my property he stated he didn't know it was privately owned. I enquired to why it was acceptable to damage the property of a neighborhood owned by 40 families as opposed to and individual, and got nothing other than an apology. When I asked for his insurance card so I could bill him for the repairs when he opened up his wallet I saw he was retired military. As I am an army brat I chose to help him get his car out with my truck and told him to have a nice day rather than billing him. After a few weeks the soggy ground flattened out and looks fine.

Moral of the story, stupid exists everywhere. More so when accompanied by the lazy.
Direct quote from the article:
"The postal truck had to be pulled out of their yard with a wench"
Who needs cross fit when you carry pints of beer and push postal trucks out of the mud?

We have been getting terrible serviced from USPS where I live. Between leaving packages in the driveway, mail on the ground, no mail for a few days, and mailboxes getting hit, I don't know what to think. Service for my area was just flat out dropped rapidly!
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