Viral outbreak predicted in SE USA

When I hear chik un gun ya I'm not thinking about a virus.
Google it... chicks and guns...


Also some other misc. photo's
It'll be the same as pmags and 22lr, I'll buy them for 2.99 a can now, when the madness hits I'll sell them for 20 bucks a can......spray flippin'
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Let me know when you all buy into the hype, I got a mosquito nuking machine on the truck. My yards awful and after a spray I don't see nothing crawling or flying for about a month. I work in pest control and I'm not worried, just can't stand going outside and feeling like I need juice and cookies after ten minutes of insect transfusion
I can't believe any of us are still alive after the first outbreak of west nile virus in America from mosquitoes.
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