10mm??? Who needs it when you have .40

Request 'Glocks in Competition' from your local library and check out the chapter on shooting lead. An engineer did extensive testing with some G22 barrels shooting lead and the pressure spikes wildly. Beware, the curve is NOT linear, its exponential.

BTW: The brass from NGAhillbilliy's gen 2 looked just fine, not even a little smile. 4 shots, then KABOOM. The metal in these barrels has a very limited amount of stretch, and after a few over-pressured rounds in a row they kaboom.

I don't care how hard your alloy is, please, please don't shoot lead in factory barrels.
Yikes! That's why for the "heavy" stuff I'm gonna use an aftermarket, fully supported chambered barrel! Hope you didn't get hurt and good to see you still have two hands!

Thankfully I only got a healthy blood blister on my hand, but i had a serious training scar to lead to me changing calibers. Call it what you will, but it put a serious respect for chamber pressure into me.

Early model Glock .40's had an issue that was corrected.

I had heard about kabooms, but didnt see it as much of a real issue with virgin brass, shoulda paid more attention to the warnings

There is no free lunch when dealing with gunpowder, be it overbore barrel burning precision rifles.or tying to twist the ears on hand guns. There is a price to be payed at some point. A mans gotta know his limitations.
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