Active shooter Oregon campus....

With the cops/feds/fbi having to show nothing over the last few mass shootings evidence wise this could "look like an assault rifle"
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Naturally, we gun owners would like to think that this armed veteran could have made a difference. In reality, I doubt that he could have. When Fox interviewed him, he stated that he was in a different building about 200 yards away from the shooting. Let's think about that. He leaves the building and is making his way across the open field to the scene of the shooting when law enforcement shows up. The campus is on lock down; so law enforcement sees only one guy with a gun outside running toward a building. The early reports would have probably said that two shooters were taken down by law enforcement. It would have been hours before we found out that a tragic mistake had been made.

In retrospect, he was not in position to assist; and it is probably better that he stayed right where he was.

I would agree with this wholeheartedly. I carry to protect myself and those close to me. I would not be roaming the halls looking for the shooter but would take a cover position and wait for him to enter the room I'm in.

Every person is responsible for their own protection.
Like the quote you always hear "when seconds count LE is minutes away".
OK what are the odds that one of the guys who stopped the train shooting in France a couple weeks ago also attends this same community college? The plot thickens here for me because I have to believe the odds are astronomical.

At least we are not talking about the failures in the Syria, Russia and Iran. Russia is bombing CIA backed rebel camps in Syria, Iran is about to help Russia in Syria. Where is that mysterious "red line in the sand"?
Be nice if the shooter's name was never mentioned and soon forgotten and the names of people like Chris Mintz were remembered.

A lot of gun control folks like to refer to Australia where, after a 1996 shooting, new gun control laws were passed. What I find more interesting is to read how they dealt with that perp. He became persona non grata. The courts won't even let the story of why he did the act be released. Without the 'promise' of fame, I believe many of these shootings would not occur. The perps want to think they'll be infamous. Take that away from them.
A lot of gun control folks like to refer to Australia where, after a 1996 shooting, new gun control laws were passed. What I find more interesting is to read how they dealt with that perp. He became persona non grata. The courts won't even let the story of why he did the act be released. Without the 'promise' of fame, I believe many of these shootings would not occur. The perps want to think they'll be infamous. Take that away from them.

There's a flip-side to that too. There's a portion of the Australian gun owners community who believes the government carried out that event to justify stricter gun laws. The way the investigation was handled, the details that came out, how they came out, etc. The secrecy charade only added fuel to the fire. Records were sealed and the public was just told to believe that a guy with an IQ of 66 managed to kill 35 people in a well-coordinated attack.

I'd rather have the transparency of knowing everything. Using the excuse of "not giving the agitator fame" is a good way to cover up important facts about what happened.
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