Another Movie Theater Shooting!

Averted a tragedy, or interupted a ODT meet?
World may never know, as it is an equal crime in the eyes of the media.

Prediction is that this will fade away as there was not massive blood shed.

It may "fade away" initially, but THEY will add it to the list in an attempt to illustrate their point that these types of incidents are becoming much more prevalent and therefore something must be done immediately to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment Rights.
Fox is Reporting:

The gunman was reportedly identified as a 51-year-old man from the Nashville area. Police spokesman Don Aaron said he was wearing a surgical mask when he unleashed pepper spray inside the theater showing "Mad Max."
Fox is Reporting:

The gunman was reportedly identified as a 51-year-old man from the Nashville area. Police spokesman Don Aaron said he was wearing a surgical mask when he unleashed pepper spray inside the theater showing "Mad Max."

Gun? Check
Tactical Flashlight? Check
Evacuation locations easily accessible? Check
Gas mask? Dang it! Too big to fit in my pocket. Either I have to go outside and desensitize myself to pepper spray or just join Netflicks.

Crazy jackasses are making it incredibly difficult to overpay for entertainment and snacks.
It's not a proper "crisis" ,so it probably won't be exploited by the media and the progressivly more liberal ,baby murdering, baby part & body selling, gun hating, constitution stomping, immorality loving ,homosexual praising ,Iranian nuke selling ,scum suckin pile of dog crap democratics :-(

Progressives liberal Democrats have become a phenomenon .

Who can explain them ?
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