Another Movie Theater Shooting!

It's not a proper "crisis" ,so it probably won't be exploited by the media and the progressivly more liberal ,baby murdering, baby part & body selling, gun hating, constitution stomping, immorality loving ,homosexual praising ,Iranian nuke selling ,scum suckin pile of dog crap democratics :-(

Progressives liberal Democrats have become a phenomenon .

Who can explain them ?
So how do you really feel about democrats.....? lol
That's how those good "gun free" zones are really working so well for everyone..
Heck put them in everywhere so that everyone has a better chance of being locked in a building with some idiot with gun while you wait on someone else to come rescue you....if you're still alive.
No more idiotic fruitless laws and stupid signs in lieu of my being able to protect me and mine.PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Send those non reading, law passing, politicians back to where they came from and elect some people with enough sense to walk under a flight of geese with out looking up in for change.
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