Brian Griffin is dead. (Update)

Brian is pretty close to his natural voice, its really weird to watch hin in an interview. Brians voice coming out of a human, lol

Yeah that's what I always thought too. Since Brian's voice is so close to his and Brian comes off as the intelligent type I always figured Brian was who Seth McFarland associated himself the most with.
Yeah that's what I always thought too. Since Brian's voice is so close to his and Brian comes off as the intelligent type I always figured Brian was who Seth McFarland associated himself the most with.

Me too, and Brian's ultra liberal Prius driving attitude seems to fit with mcFarland in real life
Been watching this show ever since it came out, then canceled, then came back. Getting rid of Brian, despite his hippie outlook and liberal antics, was one of my favorites. I think it was a dumb idea. Kinda like Fonzie jumping the shark
New saying instead of "jumping the shark" it will be "running over the Brian!" The problem is they were trying to enroll in Obama care and just couldn't get him coverage for this minor injury....
Are you guys serious? Killing off a character on Family Guy means nothing. I think ALL the characters have been killed at one time or another.
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