Brian Griffin is dead. (Update)

Well Seth can go whatever direction he wants to with his show. And like Brian once told Stewie " Well if you don't like it get on the internet and complain." Brian was better than the new dog to me because he was a typical libtard and it was easy to show his hypocrisy. But the new dog is the guy that was Paulie [ I think ] in the Sopranos. You know the guy with the Count Chocula hair. And he should be good for some laughs. You know typical make fun of Italians type of stuff. At the end of the day it's an animated show and ANYTHING is possible. I will lay down a $5.00 bet that Stewie finds a way to build a new time travel device and goes back for Brian.
Are you guys serious? Killing off a character on Family Guy means nothing. I think ALL the characters have been killed at one time or another.

I was thinking along these lines until I realized they were acting like this was a proper kill off. They even have RIP Brian on the family guy Facebook page. I bet the bring him back some way or another, but I just don't be their thinking on removing this character.
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