Bride drowns wearing dress for photos

Fate I guess? How many of you believe in fate such as, when its your time its your time? and theres nothin you can do about it.

I believe we dont realize just how fragile life really is and just how close we are to death every day and how easy it is to make that one bad move that does it for us.
I believe God is in control of that and He decides when it's our time to go

Not to turn this into that kind of thread, but what an effed up thing to say. I'm sure the new husband and both families are relieved to know that, though they lost their daughter/sister/wife, at least god was in control and, hey, it was just her time.

"fate" is almost as bad, but at least it doesn't involve a concious being actively making a decision to kill this poor woman on her wedding day, causing untold emotional and psychological damage to both families.

I'm glad I don't have to go through life thinking such ridiculous, horrible things.

It was a bad decision and cost the woman her life. My condolences to everyone involved. That is quite a tragedy to get over.
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