Buyer beware - Edmondson Elite / Charlie Edmondson

I have to admit that my experience with Charlie has been TOTALLY different than yours... I was looking for a custom hunting knife online when I found Edmondson Elite's HABU knife... after a couple emails and texts Charlie said he'd start production on it and keep me posted with videos of its production... HE DID ALL OF THE ABOVE AND SHIPPED IT OVERNIGHT A WEEK LATER... I was so pleased with the knife I then ordered a VIPER blade.... same treatment... updates and videos of my knife... PayPal'd the money and I now own my second wonderful Edmondson Elite blade.... I'm a happy customer... sorry to hear that you guys went through a tough spot... maybe it was a learning lesson for all? Because I'll soon be ordering one of his cleaver blades...

Glad that worked out for ya fella.

Me and 3sport both sent him this thead before he blocked us.

Maybe you can tell fat boy that I'm still waiting on my knives?

Really appreciate you posting here, I had let all that die and forgot about that doucher Charlie, over there living with his inlaws in AL.

Not that its E V E R going to happen... but, if a knife from that **** head ever showed up at my house. The only thing I'd post showing it off, is a video of me destroying it.

Probably should've made your own marketing thread. People can read the previous post here.

To answer your question/statement about it being a learning lesson... Sure was. Charlie Edmonson is a lying thief, and a ****ing asshole. :thumb:
I have to admit that my experience with Charlie has been TOTALLY different than yours... I was looking for a custom hunting knife online when I found Edmondson Elite's HABU knife... after a couple emails and texts Charlie said he'd start production on it and keep me posted with videos of its production... HE DID ALL OF THE ABOVE AND SHIPPED IT OVERNIGHT A WEEK LATER... I was so pleased with the knife I then ordered a VIPER blade.... same treatment... updates and videos of my knife... PayPal'd the money and I now own my second wonderful Edmondson Elite blade.... I'm a happy customer... sorry to hear that you guys went through a tough spot... maybe it was a learning lesson for all? Because I'll soon be ordering one of his cleaver blades...

PayPal is very strict with vendors making sure that the vendor follows through with what is being sold and delivery made. If PayPal is offered at point of sale, I take it every time.
Epic thread. Kept me busy all afternoon. This turd will get his in the end.

I trolled that fat turd as long as I could before a. Getting banned or blocked from all of his social media outlets b. Forgetting about him all together.

It was nice of him to come post here and bring it all back to life.
I have to admit that my experience with Charlie has been TOTALLY different than yours... I was looking for a custom hunting knife online when I found Edmondson Elite's HABU knife... after a couple emails and texts Charlie said he'd start production on it and keep me posted with videos of its production... HE DID ALL OF THE ABOVE AND SHIPPED IT OVERNIGHT A WEEK LATER... I was so pleased with the knife I then ordered a VIPER blade.... same treatment... updates and videos of my knife... PayPal'd the money and I now own my second wonderful Edmondson Elite blade.... I'm a happy customer... sorry to hear that you guys went through a tough spot... maybe it was a learning lesson for all? Because I'll soon be ordering one of his cleaver blades...
1 post no feedback,damn you just missed giveaway day you would have been a shoe in for something
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