Dear Poachers of the world,

I have met the local guys, and I get along with them well. Thats half the reason I ain't calling them. That, and I am not actively inviting the man to tour my property.
You are denying them the glory of the 'catch'.
They have a key to my place. That, plus good neighbor (I don't live there)= zero poachers.
You are denying them the glory of the 'catch'.
They have a key to my place. That, plus good neighbor (I don't live there)= zero poachers.
I have good neighbors. We all kind of try to keep an eye out but not be nosey. One of my neighbors, great guy but..., has kids that don't really respect the fence lines. I tolerate them though (they hunt on the fence, they have woods and I have fields i.e they hunt my field) because they're pretty good. I just don't think they're bright enough to think what they're doing is "unethical?". Anyway, about twice a year they call me to tell me a deer ran over to my field after they shot it. Maybe it did, I try to believe that.
Anyway, I digress, I'm all good with the local DNR guys, they know me and I reckon they assume I have it under control. They offer to come any time, I just don't bother them with it. They have plenty of ****bags to chase around the woods without having to chase mine.
It was like that when we moved in
I pray to everything Holy,
That, somehow by the grace of God, you are caught, your rifle is seized and sold to fund DNR, your truck is seized and given to your wife's boyfriend (Your brother), and that you spend some time in lockup.
I further pray to the Heavens,
That, while interred, you contract the AIDS virus through a horrible and violent gang anal raping. I don't mean the "good" AIDS that the sodomites get that somehow grants them eternal life and endless welfare checks, but the bad AIDS like Tom Hanks had in that movie.
Moreover I pray,
That, while spending many months suffering in a horribly dirty and poorly funded recovery ward, complications from the massive anal tears and infections lead to your slow and painful death.
Finally I ask,
That, after your gruesome and horrible death, you spend an everlasting eternity deep in the bowels of Hell in a special place reserved for the low and feeble likes of you. A place reserved for your wicked and pathetic souls, exactly where poachers belong. A place in Hell directly below the pedophiles and slightly above the lawyers.

And God bless momma, and daddy, and all the children of the world, except those conceived by poachers.


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I just saw this post. Are you talking about the dudes that place feeders full of corn out and then call it "huntin'"? Or is this about the next level poachers - the ones that shoot from the road or across your front yard? It's kind of hard to tell them apart actually.
I do appreciate the offer and if things get bad I might take you up on it. But historically the action dies down after a couple days. Have to do the patrols at the beginning of bow season and the beginning of rifle season. Beavis and Bubba like to try twice a year apparently.
just set up 12ga trip wire poppers. no live round just a primer in a snap cap or a shell with the shot cut out of it.
they sneak in,set off the trap,crap themselves and scare of the deer... or go to big lots and buy uo a bunch of the driveway alerts. set them up randomly thru the woods. they break the beam and DING DONG,DING DONG..
buy some cheap full size dummies off ebay and dress them up. put toy guns in their hands and stash them about the woods.
lots of fun ways to stop it and scare the crap out of them.
remember,human nature.. you cut a trail people will follow it. you can funnel them anywhere.
a buddy had a hunting camp next to his dads property. the hunters would put stands up on his land,and his dad had talked to the club about it. they would move the stands and they would be back in a couple of weeks.
we went over and moved all the stands on his property to one tree. took all of there reflective tacks from the trails that led to the stands,and routed them all to that tree.
its amazing how people stop doing stupid stuff when you screw with them.
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