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DMV Security gets body slammed by thug. No one interveins.

I dunno..the "security" at the DMV always seems to only be there to either add to the noise by yelling at people aimlessly or just sitting by idle not contributing any to a "safe environment"
I don't know the specifics or what caused the situation to start with, but if the security guy was just a security officer versus a police officer, does he have the legal right to put his hands on an individual? I'm not saying the one guy was in the right, but "if" someone doesn't have the legal right to "detain" me, I'd have a problem with that person putting their hands on me as well.
Yes he does, he is endorsing propert rights. Would you suggest that you could not place hands on some one breaking in your friends house?LEOs only have the same rights or power, that everyone else has.
Like a freaking 3rd world country......

(God-let us hope a food shortage never happens in this country, and that EBT cards continue to work. Those clowns would get dangerous in a hurry!)
Like a bunch of monkeys in a cage and one zookeeper. (metaphor only) Other than that, I can't say anything else because I wasn't there. It was simply one person against an entire room full of people in the same situation, and similarities band together, whether white, black, DMV, unemployment office, etc. That's the best thing I can say without saying what I really wanna say. But had the Security Guard tazed him, peppered him, shot him, slammed him, etc., he would have immediately become a racist and everyone else would've jumped in, or Al Sharpton and the crew would've been down here after his job, for doing his job, just like Zimmerman. That is all.
Yes he does, he is endorsing propert rights. Would you suggest that you could not place hands on some one breaking in your friends house?LEOs only have the same rights or power, that everyone else has.

I'm not suggesting anything there bub, I simply asked a question. Regardless, the security officer showed poor judgement on his part.
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Should have tased him from the get go. Obvious to see hes a thug, if he wasnt he would have left when asked to leave. Simple as that.

Manners are apparantly another thing that these worthless parents need to work on.
I believe that dude is a police officer and he was trying to give Thuggy McWelfare there a chance to walk away.

All the LEO haters on this site get pissy when they see a video where an officer is too quick to pull the taser but this guy was obviously too late. That dirtbag should have woken up wearing cuffs in a puddle of his own urine.
and that would have happened if he were a cop

i dont think that was an actual officer
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