Do you pass on a good deal if it requires a Bill of Sale?


Reading compression, get some FAST! The reasonable cause clause applies to suspicion that the person is unqualified to own a gun legally. It has nothing to do woth residency. There is NO "reasonable cause" qualifier for that.

Reading is a *****. And if you get caught selling to a gun without verifying residency to one of Bloombergs thug buyers, you gonna be somebody's ***** too.

More talky words, still no law or regulation proving that showing ID is required.

A person from South Carolina attempting to buy a gun in a private transaction from a resident in this state would make them a prohibited person. If they called you from a South Carolina phone number and showed up with SC plates on their car that would, in my mind give me REASONABLE CAUSE to believe that they may be a prohibited person, someone not ELIGIBLE to make private transactions in Georgia. So, I wouldn't move forward with the transaction. Let me try this another way; NO RESIDENCY means NOT ELIGIBLE to make a PRIVATE TRANSACTION. They are PROHIBITED. :wacko: So long as a person does not give you REASONABLE CAUSE to believe otherwise simply asking them are you a resident, are you prohibited, is sufficient. There is no law or regulation that says anyone has to show ID or keep a record of the transaction (BOS), in Georgia.

If you spent as much time reading up on the subject as you do trying to word crafty insults and smart ass comments we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Hey, you dumbass.

What if I move to SC, yet I hold onto my GA licence, which doesn't expire for 5 more years and buy a gun from you?
Will the soap on the rope will be hanging from your ass?

Ya'll are so stupid, if you keep on there will be no more private sales.

Just amazing. You know, when you are in the big house begging for soap-on-a-rope, I won't care. But the tragedy is the **** you talk may convince someone who doesn't know better and it may be them who ends up getting screwed because you can't learn. Let me try to help you out since you seem incapable of "imagining" how easy it is to get you to sell to a non-resident unless you verify. Your SC buyer...say he has a friend or family in GA. Say they have talked about guns and the SC guy hears about the site. he's read these threads and sees YOU bragging about not checking. So he stops off at his GA frieneds house, calls you up and arranges a meet. He rides in with his GA resident friend in his GA tagged car and you sell happily, blissfully ignorant that you have just committed a felony. Buhbye aimless, hello Bubba's Gal. Hell, he could just give you a celphone number and you'd be able to call him direct without ever knowing it was a South Carolina resident. Do you really think Bloombergs boys will tell you up front they are from NYC? Just like any drug sting they can lie and cheat and it's YOUR responsibility to ask the right questions. DEMAND ID. Selling only to GA residents IS the law. And no matter how goofy the law may seem there MUST be a way to legally abide by it. Looking at a DL or State issued ID is that way.
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