EVs are NOT America's future!

Why would that matter because EV's is NOT AMERICA'S Future
1% of vehicles or less registered EV’s since 2020. I could agree if in 5 years they make up 25%. You gotta weed through the “Green” websites and look at Federal numbers to get to the truth. I applaud you, I ride motorcycles more than I drive automobiles and catch a lot of crap about it. Keep on keeping on.
Never seen anyone so emotionally dedicated to EV’s future outside of far left crazies. I wish you well and hope your cars hold up for a long time. I ain’t nobody, who cares if I think they’re a little queer?

Im not dedicated to EV's. Im just here to reply to the OP that his openning post is flawed.

The question is...why are you so bent on going against progress?

At the end of the day, all efforts to fight progress is FUTILE.

We are not going back on technology. In fact, we're not against the old ways of doing things other than to say it is outdated. Gravity fed Carburators were great, so where Holley 4V and Edelbrocks...and as was fuel injectors.

New technology says all these are of the past. As is manual transmissions, public telephones booths, and rewritavle DVD's and CD's. Im sure there were tons of photographers that still want their films and red lights. They probably thought the digital cameras were completely useless.

Here is what I'll say...give it time. Time will heal all wounds. If not, the old turds will die and progress will continue with the new generation. Not many misses blacksmiths and street sweepers of horse poop. In time...

EV is the American Future...and it's called progress
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