Gainesville, GA Passed Long range Gun's in schools

You raise a good point; most educators these days are flaming liberals who are scared to death at the sight of a gun let alone actually use one. Furthermore, when seconds count, what good is a gun locked away in a vault on the other side of the building (Murphy's Law)? Nonetheless, this is a step in the right direction.
meh, my point is there never was a good or bad direction

violence always happens and the most someone can do is to be proactive, not reactive (it has been proven time and time again you cant legislate behavior)
this will accomplish nothing

how can folks who complain about teachers, educators, and bureaucrats not teaching their kids well enough expect these same people to properly defend their children?

bank robbers generally plan on getting away, crazed mass murderers usually kill themselves

again, this is bolstering to give off the allusion of safety

meh, my point is there never was a good or bad direction

violence always happens and the most someone can do is to be proactive, not reactive (it has been proven time and time again you cant legislate behavior)


bank robbers generally plan on getting away, crazed mass murderers usually kill themselves

again, this is bolstering to give off the allusion of safety

I get your point, it is a false sense of safety. But any safety is better than none. It just puts sros on the same level an those trying tocommit violent crimes with firearms. Schools are already like a prison without the jumpsuits. Should go ahead and put armed guards in them lol
I'm fine with a trained resource officer having an AR15 at school. Heck, give him anything he needs to do his job of protecting kids. I don't see the point of having it locked in a safe while he is out walking the halls. He would have to fight his way to the safe with his pistol in the event that something happened. That does not seem like a good idea. Also if the bad guy knows that only the RO has access to the AR15 then that makes him the first target in any shooting.

It's sort of like saying that people have the right to keep and bear arms but their guns need to be kept at a central armory and only accessed in case of an invasion or something... know what I mean?

This reinforces the saying, "When seconds count, (Well Armed) police are only minutes away."
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What do y'all think about this. I'm kinda seeing a mess in the future. Read it and see if anyone else feels the same way.

"Gainesville school resource officers will soon have access to long-range rifles at the high school and middle school levels.
The proposed gun, a Colt 6920 M4 carbine, would be kept inside a safe, accessible only by the school resource officer using biometric technology. Further, the rifle would never be on campus if the resource officer was not there; it would be locked in his vehicle."
What do I think about it? I think about it the EXACT same way I think about my own PD weapons. I'm glad it's there. I hope it never has to be used. I'll never be a fan of victim disarmament zones.
I get your point, it is a false sense of safety. But any safety is better than none. It just puts sros on the same level an those trying tocommit violent crimes with firearms. Schools are already like a prison without the jumpsuits. Should go ahead and put armed guards in them lol

haha ya maybe

im not against this thing, mostly because if i had children i wouldnt send them to public school anyhow (not due to safety but more because i believe public education only makes stupid more prevalent)
I think it's fine. I don't like how they said it would be locked in the vehicle though. They just painted a big target on that vehicle.
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