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Got attacked by a dog this morning. What would you have done?

Jabook stick. Dog whistle. Even basic hand to hand skills can handle a majority of dogs. Having worked in animal control dealing with psychotic animals, they're extremely easy to control if you know basic body control.
So, we’re back to the thumb in the dog’s butthole?
So, we’re back to the thumb in the dog’s butthole?
You can shove your arm down a dogs throat no matter the breed and they wont be able to bite you and will instantly back off. But I get why so many people run to the instantly. Very weak mettle is common and people don't have any value for any life other than their own.
Got up for my daily 5am run through the neighborhood this morning as usual. As I slowed down and started to walk back to the house a medium-sized black dog that I have never seen before starts barking and charging at me from a house down the street. At first she was a good 25-30 yards away from it so I just continued walking in the opposite direction but she closed that gap in no time. I started to run thinking surely she would stop when I got far enough away from her house but no such luck. By this time I was in a dead sprint and was at least 75-100 yards away from the driveway that she came from. I turned around and she was just a few feet away growling showing her teeth and snapping at me. I realized that I couldn't outrun her and that she was definitely serious about attacking me. Her owner came running out of the house and called her off about two seconds before I was going to put her down. He apologized profusely afterwards and I did my best to be polite but I was not exactly in a good mood. He also said that she bit someone on a landscaping crew recently.

So what's the right thing to do in this situation? Do you have to wait until you actually have teeth marks on you before you do something about it? I'm very thankful that it didn't come to that because I don't want to kill anyone's pet. However I also have a right to run on a public road without being attacked by a vicious dog. Especially one that already has a history of biting people.
This isnt really a great answer but a fun fact if you didn't know.
If you run over someones pet especially if unleashed you are not legally obligated to notify the owner or even report it.
Just go about your business with whatever damage your car took on.
This is the only fact i remember from a driving class to lower my insurance about 10 years ago.

If you had to put the dog down. Id understand, its the owners responsibility and negligence which resulted to that reoccurring situation. They could have chained her up or reinforced their fence so the dog couldn't escape. If it did attack you there could be legal repercussions NO one would really want to deal with.

Would you mind sharing what setup you have for jogging. Would it be like a Shield or G43 in a fanny pack or shoulder sling.
It's probably already been mentioned, but running is the wrong thing to do in most situations, since it will trigger an instinctive reaction in the dog (and most precators) to attack. Running is what prey do.

You could also carry pepper spray or bear spray of some kind like the mail carriers have with them for these encounters.
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