Gun shop shootout in Miss.

I was reading some articles about this yesterday. They were full of comments like "I thought a good guy with a gun could stop a bad guy with a gun." People that say stuff like that are the liberal D-bags with beards and flannel shirts that type junk about how great bernie sanders is on blog sites while drinking their mocha fagacino at Starbucks. They should kill themselves.
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I owned a Pawnshop..Some of these "Customers" are insane drugheads..

I drew down on a man who threatened me with a $5 China/Pakistan butcher knife I told him I didn't want/need..
As he is charging my counter yelling "I need some **** money"!!..
I drew and backed up as far as I could and told him I was going to drop him where he stood if he moved 1 more step!!
He turned and walked to door and kicked it open and yelled he would be back!!...

I don't fault this shop owner..he was prepared, and with his son and wife in store I don't blame him,you have to wonder about the 2 customers who showed up to cause trouble,both armed w guns..

Some of todays "Customers" are insane!!
or maybe the shop owner drew first?

these kind of stories are usually not one sided unfortunately

who knows what went down
or maybe the shop owner drew first?

Yeah..he probably did..He and his Son were in the back pointing guns out of strategic holes they had made in the walls..Then when the 2 "victims" arrived he sent his wife out to try and lure them in front of the gun ports..
So surprising that he and his Son are dead and the other 2 survived and the wife not shot?

Guess his plan failed..

or maybe it was the wife who shot all 4 people from her own hole in the wall gunport?

or maybe..?
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