Help with John Deere L130

Replaced grommet for the oil breather, and fuel filter. Not perfect, but much better. For now, I'll keep running it and see if clean fresh gas will do the trick. If only I had some grass to cut and get more testing done. Runs almost perfect with choke just barely up, but still needs the choke to initially start even when it's warm.
Not bad for a mower I only have $580 into right now.
My mower was doing the same thing last year, rebuilt the carb and it worked fine. It started doing the same thing again this year so I went ahead and got a new carb since the cheapest carb kits I could find were half what the new carb cost.

According to the research I did, there is one gasket that causes 90% of the loading up problems at least on the carb on my engine ( B&S 26 hp Vtwin). It's the rectangular one on the lower left in the pic. Ethanol makes the small holes swell up causing it to run rich. On my carb it requires a complete tear down to get to it.

Good luck getting it running, even if you end up buying a new carb you got a hell of a deal.

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