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The title should spell it out for you..
If your a liar then you can go piss on a rock and I hope it splashes all over your shoes and pants legs....

Yeah when the police pulled me over for speeding.tried lying to fet out of ticket,said I didn't know how fast I was going...that was a lie...but I don't lie in trading guns....actually been a long while since I told lie....how bout 365?

Basically it boils down to if I tell a man that I'm not going to be trading a gun or selling a gun till he gets 1st look at it,I'm going to stand by my word no matter what...some men these days have no honor in them

Lol...that's funny....but the cop caught me speeding,and I lied about rather I knew how fast I was going...lol

Maybe Karma is a bitch?
My Grandfather used to say:
"A liar hates a liar and a thief will just go on n on about how he hates a thief"

The older I get as I witness people who rant and rant about gay people and the secretly its discovered are gay...I start to realize my Grandfather was more right than wrong...

(and liars and thieves and etc etc..)
My Grandfather used to say:
"A liar hates a liar and a thief will just go on n on about how he hates a thief"

The older I get as I witness people who rant and rant about gay people and the secretly its discovered are gay...I start to realize my Grandfather was more right than wrong...

(and liars and thieves and etc etc..)

I love liars, thieves, cheats, no shows, gays, transvestites, Africans, Muslims, etc, etc.:shocked:
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