I have failed at being a parront.

Does he growl Bypass?
That damn gray parrot my sister had growled like the dog!
She would fly off her perch and land on the ground, she needed help to get back on her perch, she wanted help to get back on her perch. But when you went over there and stuck your finger out to help her, she would growl at you.
I can't tell you how many times I thought I was saying goodbye to my finger, lol.
Uh yeah. Not gonna happen. Eeeek!!! I'm going to need some shark bite proof gloves. I wonder if I can order some.
When I was in grade school we had a blue and gold Macaw whose cage took up about a third of my room. He wasn't mean or a biter but we still wore welding gloves to handle him. That's because being a bigger bird he needed to get a good claw grip to hang on to your arm. My mom finally got enough of hime ripping up newspaper and then flapping his wings sending it down the hall. They gave him to the Macon Museum of Arts and Science. I think he's still there. He was a few years ago. You know the bigger birds live a LONG time.
My stepfather still has a yellow naped Amazon in his bedroom. Now he's a biter. But most Amazon and African Greys I've seen were biters.
The big flea market in McDonough by the I75 has a pet place inside. They have a Macaw sitting there on his perch and talking to people going by. He loves women and will reach a foot out for them to pick him up. But a man can't get near him.
He loves women and will reach a foot out for them to pick him up. But a man can't get near him.

Interesting, Sparky liked women and was ok with them picking her up, even if she never saw them before.

She never did warm up appreciably to my sisters husband, her three boys or me and my brothers.
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