"I'd Rather be Judged by 12 than Carried...Blah...Blah....Blah........

Which is why we spend a large part of the 3 hrs. we're in the classroom discussing the Laws on Use of Deadly Force, Carry Laws, etc.
A few of the people who've attended our classes tell me that the classroom part is worth the entire cost of the course.

Thanks Monte.........The Old Age Wisdom just has not kicked in yet for a lot of these young ones!!....LOL
Which is why we spend a large part of the 3 hrs. we're in the classroom discussing the Laws on Use of Deadly Force, Carry Laws, etc.
A few of the people who've attended our classes tell me that the classroom part is worth the entire cost of the course.

Time well spent for a lot of folks, I'm sure. Keep up the good work. :thumb:
OK.....I really don't want to go here but..............Tell me 1 LAW that you know for a FACT that I have broken.??

Did you happen to come to a complete stop at every stop sign you came to today? Did you happen to go 56 in a 55 zone today. . . . .you get the picture surely. . . . .you sound like an educated fella, you know you can't abide by all laws, unless of course you happen to be Jesus Christ . . . . .if you are, then I extend my apologies.
Is it me?? or does anyone else find that Cliche just Arrogant!! I seem to reading more and more threads regarding carrying a weapon, carry laws in the State of Georgia as well as other States, Does and Don'ts of carrying a weapon and on and on, and I am seeing people say things like........"Well........I'd Rather be Judged by 12 than Carried by 6"........so help me here........does that mean that regardless of what the Law says regarding a certain senerio, you are going to make your own decision?? and you are ready to face a court room, Judge, and Jury of your peers for your actions? I have had some form of firearms license just about my whole adult life. How??....because I live by the Rule of Law. That is what is expected of all of us. Are all the Laws fair, or just, or right??......Nope!!....but we have a responsibility to abide by them, or do something to change them. Just saying, I don't agree with that law so I am going to do XXXX.....and so be it, does not make any logical sense to me at all. Think about your every day life as it is today. If you have family include them too. Then think about the reactions that could occur from you doing something that violated the "Rule of Law". Arrest, detention, loss of freedom, loss of certain rights if convicted, certainly a real good possibility of loss of job, loss of income, loss of home and belongings, the need of lots and lots and lots of money for an attorney......for what???.........."Because I would Rather be Judged by 12 than Carried by 6??......I think NOT!!....Generally you find that criminals, do not live by the Rule of Law.....they pretty much do what they want......and take whatever comes their way. Is that how you want to be perceived??.........I don't. This Judged by 12....nonsense is just that...........an old TV cliche that worked great for people like John Wayne, but not in the real world! Blah Blah Blah Rant is now done.......!!!! Over and Out!
To me it basically means when it comes to "grey" areas in the law i'm going to error on the side of protecting my life. has nothing to do with being macho or blatantly disobeying the law (atleast not yet).
I think what most people mean when they use that cliche' is theyd rather face prosecution than be killed or see a loved one killed.

Ok but that does not make any logical sense........I carry a gun all the time. It is to protect myself or myself and my wife if she is with me........How am I going to face prosecution if I do everything correctly??.........

So.....the LAW says I can not carry my gun into a school, but my child is having an event that I want to attend and I won't GO ANYWHERE without my gun....so I go with my gun...and hope I don't get found out??.........Well then....your just another criminal who has broken the law and if you do get found out and arrested, then face your jury of your peers and have a ball~!!
Did you happen to come to a complete stop at every stop sign you came to today? Did you happen to go 56 in a 55 zone today. . . . .you get the picture surely. . . . .you sound like an educated fella, you know you can't abide by all laws, unless of course you happen to be Jesus Christ . . . . .if you are, then I extend my apologies.

If there is an antithesis to Godwin's Law, this statement proves it :pound:
Did you happen to come to a complete stop at every stop sign you came to today? Did you happen to go 56 in a 55 zone today. . . . .you get the picture surely. . . . .you sound like an educated fella, you know you can't abide by all laws, unless of course you happen to be Jesus Christ . . . . .if you are, then I extend my apologies.

Matter of fact I do and I did. I drive for a living. My driving record is what keeps me in a job. I don't break the laws because 1. my job depends on it and 2....even bigger than my job......is that imagine you driving through a neighborhood and the posted speed is 30. It's quiet, nothing going on, and you think 30 is stupid, so you drive 40. Now all of a sudden a 6 year old rolls out of a driveway on his bike, right into your path!!.......You lock it up, strike the child, killing the child. The police do a complete investigation, and after determining from impact, skid marks etc. that you LIED about how fast you are going......you go straight to jail!!

Sorry pal.......you failed on that one!!.....Try another!
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